Sunday, 8 August 2010

Augmented Reality Applications Research

I am starting to look at augmented reality mobile applications available on all platforms, the majority that I am finding seem to be available for Apple’s Iphone platform and since I do not have an Iphone or access to one I will be looking at online reviews for the moment.

The sites below feature augmented reality apps, I have looked at them all to find comparative applications and to get ideas from all of the applications even if their subject matter is completely different, I am looking to create an application that stands alone in its own right and is not just a clone of another pre existing application.

Here are some of my favourite apps from my research, please bear in mind that my decisions have been made mainly from my own opinions on the applications rationale, aesthetic appeal and online reviews, I would have liked to user test them all but I do not have access to particular handsets at the moment and some apps are for use in areas of the world that I am unable to travel to.

A great information app where content can be added by users and businesses alike, it can vary between information and artwork and much, much more.

My current mobile phone is a Nokia so I have been looking for augmented reality applications on their Ovi store to test. Nokia have their own AR app Point and Find, I have downloaded this app and it allows users to use their mobile device's camera by pointing it at a landmark or barcode and receive immediate information such as descriptions, phone numbers and reviews. I have tried the landmark part and so far I cannot get it to work but the idea is sound.

This is a very similar application to the one I hope to develop and it is done to a very high standard. It captures the concept of displaying history in a modern way.

Another project that captures the essence of my idea is has recently been put into effect in Bristol.

Here is another great view of the past in a modern way.

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