To establish my goals for this project I mind mapped my goals splitting them into three specific categories.
Personal Goals
Professional Goals
Commercial Goals
These are the things I hope to achieve during the production of my application:
Personal Goals
On a personal level I hope to develop my design skills in general, as this is a good opportunity for me to put into practice some of the skills I have learnt during my time at university and to try out new methods that I have learnt through my own individual research.
I particularly want to learn the principles and best practices of 3D design as I believe this will be a useful skill in my future development and working practice.
I hope to complete this project to prove to myself that I can, I was unable to finish my previous mobile application within the timescale and I hope to improve upon that this time.
My project’s rationale is to provide information about Hull’s heritage and I personally hope that I can educate or at least inform one person with my application.
The ultimate aim for my project is to produce an assignment worthy of getting the best possible grade available to me.
Professional Goals
I hope to create a usable, desirable product that interests and informs its potential users.
During this project I hope to develop and display my knowledge, abilities and working practices. I hope show that I have skills that may be desirable to potential employers, whether it is my technical prowess or my attitude and ethics as this will be a good opportunity to display my professional qualities.
Commercial Goals
I will market my application in order to create interest in my product but my commercial goals revolve around marketing myself rather than my application.
I intend to distribute my application as a service for local people with an interest in Hull’s heritage and as an information product. I do not wish to receive any financial reward from this project directly.
The real commercial assets that I hope to promote within this project are my design skills and ethics. A successful project will help me to market myself as an employable asset, or as a potential freelance operative with skills that may be of use for relevant companies or individuals in their future endeavors.
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